类别:异形工程|发布时间:2012/7/9 17:11:42|浏览:2821次
当城市无时无刻地闪耀着它的繁华,是建筑成就了城市的高度。那是一种不凡的韵境,是一种大气的彰显,它属于成熟的城市,它诉说着这个城市的气度、包容和稳重。建筑总是这般出神入化,给冷漠中的浮华带来可亲可感的品味,为居者赢得真正的价值与生活空间。 The reason for urban to keep exhibiting its prosperity is that architectures elevate its height. The height stands for an extraordinary grand state for a mature city, expressing its tolerance, generosity and dignity. This is what architecture is-adding concrete humane taste to cold vanity and bringing genuine value and living space for residents.


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